Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Weekend with hang-ups &

I'm just now getting around to posting about last weekend, though it wasn't the most eventful one... there are a few things that were cool to note:

I'm finally getting a chance to "decorate" a bit. That sounds more glamorous than it really is. I got a few things for the bathroom. A ring to hang a hand-towel, hooks for our bath towels, NEW towels that are oversized & oh-so-soft, and a shelf-unit thing for the corner of the shower. (I was really excited about my new towels as you can see!)

I really really love working at places that have mechanical shops. I think I've borrowed the electrical drill from here at least 6 times. I've also gotten a lot of advice & help from the guys in the back. I love it!

We did it... on Sunday we ordered our groceries online from!! The prices were the same as Albertson's, but w/o the "preferred savings." The thing we couldn't believe is that they have 30 minute delivery! I was in shock! We placed our order on Sunday night at about 8:30 and they were in our kitchen by 9:00!!! WE can't even pick out our groceries in 30 minutes! It was VERY impressive!

Now I am a complete online junky! Groceries, movies (netflix), paying bills, etc... All we need now is a laundry service & we're good to go :)

I'm sure that there is more, but my lunch break is over & I actually have things to work on. Data Analysis... Yea!


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