Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ticket Tailgaters

I was given an article by our library yestderday from the Corvallis Gazette Times (9-11-06).

Oregon Launches tool to carck down on tailgating
State is first in US to use system

I guess Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico and Tennessee are taking steps to "crack Down on Tailgating!" To do this they're bringing technology into it. There is an upgraded lazer that pinpoints the distance between cars. It's been used in Hong Kong, Australia and parts of Europe for years now and Oregon starting trying the tool last year.

I personally HATE tailgaters. It's such an ignorant thing to do. People seem to think that being 3 feet away from someone's bumper is going to get them somewhere sooner! When in reality it's just asking for a rear-end collision. Reading the article I was hoping that California would be on that list, but not yet :-( To upgrade to these lazers it would be $600-700 each. That would be a major cost for Cali. My proposed solution to pay for that? Just ticket all LA born drivers! V6 + engine? Double the fine! :) It's like the drivers here went through extensive training on how to be bad drivers!


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