Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Saturday, September 09, 2006

By Mid-Saturday...

I made a frozen DiGiorno pizza for breakfast this morning. I've never done that before. Cold left-over pizza, yeah... but never brand new. It was interesting, but won't become a tradition.

I still feel like I have 'something.' Due to this 'something,' I ended up leaving work early yesterday and told my boss that I will finish up my last hour at home. I fully intend to now that I actually have things to do. But despite Friday's early escape I still managed to find terrible traffic and I'm still not feeling well. I asked the question to the air, "When am I going to finally feel better." The air answered sounding remarkably like Dave and said, "When you start taking care of yourself." I answered, "I am. I got lots of sleep last night and I'm going to take some EmergenC right now!" I got up, took some EmergenC. He responds, "Then you should start feeling better any day now." (I don't want to have to wait that long!)

That's all for now. Happy Saturday All. Also, Happy 25th Birthday Nate (yesterday). And Happy 15th Birthday Jen (tomorrow)!


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