Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Monday, September 11, 2006

Wish List

2 things we hate about our apartment:
1. No laundry facility on the premises
2. No dishwasher

I think our apartment is too small for a little washer/dryer stacked thing... but I found 2 dishwashers that could fit into the little utility closet in our kitchen.

1. From Best Buy for $369.60
Danby Designer 18" Portable Dishwasher

2. From Wal-Mart for $233.43
Haier Portable Dishwasher, 6 Place Settings

After listening to The Wal-Mart Effect I would prefer to avoid shopping there, but the difference in price is HUGE! Pro's & Con's:

Pro Wa-Mart, Con Best Buy
1. Cost: we don't exactly have an extra $126 lying around that we want to spend on a dishwasher.

2. Warranty:
- Best Buy has a 1 year labor warranty, 2 year limited warranty. For an extra $130 we could get a 5 year warranty. So that would be up to ~$260 extra... totaling $500!
- Wal-Mart has a LIFETIME warranty, no extra charge! That's huge!

Pro Best Buy, Con Wal-Mart
1. Quality: I'd imagine that Wal-Mart's dishwasher wouldn't perform as well as Best Buy's... but it seems like the warranty should make up for that, right? But at the same time, who wants to have a shitty dishwasher that someone else is willing to fix.

It really is annoying how Wal-Mart is able to sell at such a lower price w/a good warranty and I hate how there is no way to really tell what the quality difference is! I definitely would rather spend an extra $120 for something that lasts, than throw away $243 on a crappy dishwasher... it just seems like there's no way to tell :-(

Anyways. This is just the brainstorming/shopping phase. We'll see. Happy Monday!

*yeah right :-/


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