Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Friday, September 01, 2006


Some thoughts for you:

yesterday was pretty good. although i'm still in a semi-lathargic state. i feel like my inspiration and excitement are at an all time low... the ironic thing is that i'm being inspired to fing something to get excited about!

My new favorite shirt!


I've been extremely irresponsible lately. In the selfish act of trying to stretch out my days to be as long as possible I have been sacrificing my sleep. Which is a terrible thing to do. It's just really hard because I've nearly reached my daily tolerance limit for bull-shit.


They are painting the closet that is next to my office. I think I'm getting high from fumes... that should increase my productivity!


I called a doctor's office today:

Receptionist, "Hi, can I help you?
Me, "Yeah, I'm interest-"
Receptionist, "Please hold"



OK, off to the eye doctor. Hopefully they'll let me keep it! (my eye that is)


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