Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

As reported at

London. "The number of rats in the city has grown 20 percent in less than six years. The average person is never more than 10 feet away from one... Nearly 15 percent of Londoners throw their fast food wrappers into the street, officials said."


Chicago. "Chicago officials plan a series of evacuation drills in downtown buildings, hoping to ready tenants for possible emergencies in the future." (Watch Video)

I'm not sure how Chicagoans are reacting to this, but it seems like an OK idea & a good effort. I'm sure that there will be the usual complaining, but it's about time cities stepped up & spent time preparing for disaster. Hopefully the citizens will take it seriously!


Ohio: A kitten is born with 2 heads! "The kitten has two mouths that meow in unison, two noses and four eyes." (Watch Video)

I really hope that it is not in any pain & is healthy!


Lastly (my Favorite). Linked to from

Michael Noer writes, "Guys: a word of advice. Marry pretty women or ugly ones. Short ones or tall ones. Blondes or brunettes. Just, whatever you do, don't marry a woman with a career.... professional women are more likely to get divorced, more likely to cheat and less likely to have children. And if they do have kids, they are more likely to be unhappy about it. A recent study in Social Forces, a research journal, found that women--even those with a "feminist" outlook--are happier when their husband is the primary breadwinner... put it bluntly, the more successful she is, the more likely she is to grow dissatisfied with you."

~"Do you agree that people have better marriages if the wife does not have a career outside the home?" As of 5:20 PM 65% of NBC5 readers answere 'No'

You can read the Forbes artical for yourself here! (Linked from here)

It's a really bold article to write & publish and it's stirring up a lot of trouble. And as of right now I'm stuck at a point where I don't want this to be true... but are the odds actually higher? Scary if it is because it seems like women are making really good progress in this world & people are already unhappy enough as it is!

Regardless... To all of you successful Chicas, YOU GO GIRLS!!

That's it... I'm out!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this reminds me of that 'study' that they did that found people who co-habitate were more likely to get divorced than those who never live together before marriage.

so they made this big deal how it was bad to live together and everything... i remember it very well because it came out right as scott and i were moving in together and people were quoting it at me all over the place.

what i think ACTUALLY happens though, is people who belive they should not live together before marriage generally are very 'moral' or religious... which is pretty much the same group that does not believe in divorce.

so even if they were UNHAPPIER, they were still less likely to get divorced than couples that did live together.

maybe this is the same as that. if the women are able to be independant and not rely on a man, they will be more likely to decide they are unhappy and leave rather than stay in a bad relationship because they have no job skills or money and could not make it on their own.

ta-da! it has been explained. ; )

rachel =^_^=

8:55 AM  
Blogger miss peak said...

WOW! Great explaination! You're awesome Rachel! Thank you! :)

~I think it's funny that you were being lectured before you & Scott moved in together. I TOTALLY experienced the same thing when I moved in w/Dave. Harder & louder lecturing with every generation you step back.

Times are a-changin'!

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i can understand some of it, because we were only 19 when we started living together for the first time.

but actually the people who were some of the harshest critics were people my age.

isnt that weird?

9:52 AM  
Blogger Not Margaret said...

That article is such a load of crap. I read it a few days ago, and the rebuttal that was posted afterward, and the bottom line is - if you want a trophy wife who will stay at home and do all your chores, then don't marry a career woman. But if you are willing to do the necessary work (i.e., help out with chores, childrearing, be just as patient and understanding as you expect her to be) then your marriage has a much better success rate. I think the article should be titled: Some Men are Lazy with Outdated Ideas of the Role of a Wife.

1:57 PM  
Blogger miss peak said...

That's an awesome title!

Some Men are Lazy with Outdated Ideas of the Role of a Wife.

1:59 PM  

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