Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Thursday, August 24, 2006


From what I hear there was a wild storm in Chicago this morning... I MISS THUNDERSTORMS!!!

I miss lightning!
I miss heavy rain!
I miss thunder that makes you jump!

It hasn't rained here in weeks. Just sunshine & sometimes clouds. That's it. It's nice & all... but I still miss the occasional storm! It adds a bit of excitement to the day.

Still though, I really hated getting to class soaking wet because in Chicago the rain doesn't fall down... oh no... no matter what direction you're walking it always seems to be coming at your face horizontally. So by the time you get to your destination your shoulders may be slightly dry, but you're soaked from the waist down. Wet jeans suck!

... I still miss it! has a great pic of the Sears Tower & Lightning!


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