"The 13-year-old first baseman for Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, stands an imposing 6-foot-8 and weighs 256 pounds." -SI.com
His team made it to the Little League World Series and he has become somewhat of a spetical, so Sports Illustrated did a little article on him. They called him "Little Big Man."
I start to feel kind of bad for him because he stands out so much & at that young age, he might be a little self conscious, but the team seems to be extremely unique as a whole...
"The team has a peculiar baseball superstition -- the players dye their hair blond for the World Series."
"Dhahran pitcher and outfielder Michael Knight is 6-foot-3, 190 pounds. Five-foot-8, 226-pound, third baseman Andrew Holden..." They've got a pretty tall team even w/o him!
To read the full article go here!
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