Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Friday, August 18, 2006

Too Many Z's

Thursday, August 17th, 2006

6:30 pm: Extremely tired & decided to take a 30 min nap.
7:00 pm: Alarm sounded, I turned it off & continued sleeping.
12:00 am: Looked at the clock. Saw that it was MIDNIGHT (!) & fell back asleep.
6:00 am: Realized that it was 6 in the morning & I hadn't taken my medicine. Dave brought me my medicine & my phone, which would go off to wake me up for work in 1 hour. I also had the thought that it would be really cool if he & I went to get breakfast. The restaurant down the street has an awesome early bird special...
7:00 am: My alarm went off... I realize that after I had my bright idea that I immediately fell asleep.
7:10 am: After snoozing 2x I finally got out of bed & started getting ready for work. When I saw Dave he says, "Congrats, you just slept 12 1/2 hrs!"



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