Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Monday, August 21, 2006

My Weekend at a Glance

- Talked to Nate, finally!
- Tom came over which means we watched BUFFY & ANGEL! We finished season 1 of Angel & season 3 (I think) of Buffy & got some great Chinese food.
- After Tom left I did some PvP-ing in WoW then hit the hay!

- Considered going to the beach, but upper 60's was a bit too chilly for me.
- Updated my homepage and posted some pics (WoW screenshots). Oh & very soon I will be putting up coppies of the Christmas Eve yearly picture that me, Jo, Jon & Dave take at my Aunt Letha's house. Below is the very first picture (2000) and the one from this past Christmas (2005). We're at 6 years, holding strong!

- Spent some time w/Dave.
- Played WoW.
- Really, the day was pretty uneventful.

- Went to the infamous Norm's with Dave for a quick breakfast before he met with one of our neighbors regarding his demo.
- Went to the beach... I was only able to stay an hour because it got kind of chilly @ 3:00. :(
- Chatted w/my mom for a while.
- Worked out when I got home… I was going to take a shower, but I hate showering then doing laundry. Afterwards, I just end up feeling dirty again.
- We did laundry, UG. I HATE doing laundry! We walk across the street, each w/a big bag of clothes. Put it in the wash. Walk home. Walk back to put everything in the dryer. Walk home. Walk back & either fold the clothes there or fold the clothes at home. Now, it may seem kind of ridiculous, all of the back & forth. But I HATE sitting in a laundry mat & the walk is good for us. We don't do it enough :)
- Took a shower... Finally!
- With minimal resistance from Dave we did the last errand of the weekend, grocery shopping. I always feel like we spend a lot & I wonder if groceries here are more or less expensive than Chicago, but it's hard to tell. We go shopping maybe once every other week... which really isn't enough if you want to eat healthy because veggies & fruit are long gone by the time we go again. So, we check out anywhere between $150-190. ($190 if I get bathroom or girlie supplies). Is $300-400/month a lot for 2 people?
- I ended the day w/more PvP-ing.
- Went to bed Really late!

All & all the weekend was pretty good. & despite getting not enough sleep, I feel pretty awake today. Let’s see how I’m feeling tonight at our 7:30 volleyball game… yes, nothing’s changed, I still HATE 7:30 games. Oh well, GO TEAM DIGGIT!… yeah, you wish your team had a name that wasn’t lame too!


Blogger K said...

You have a very interesting blog here! Seems like you have a lot of fun in everyday life, and that's cool.

My boyfriend and I usually spend about $300-$400 as well per month, and those are Ohio prices. But he eats a lot.

8:35 AM  

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