Through Jessica's Eyes
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Friday, May 26, 2006
Be Safe!
Just remember... these signs are not supposed to be for children, but ADULTS!! Which is another reason they're ridiculous & funny :)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
American Idol Reject
~You work some... You play some~
I haven't gotten a chance to participate in the American Idol craze seeing as I don't have a TV, but I have had the opportunity to watch a few reruns. This is one of my favorite American Idol Rejects.
Mary Roach... Scary!
*if this stupid video doesn't work... go here
Work really gets in the way of writing thought provoking entries.
I haven't gotten a chance to participate in the American Idol craze seeing as I don't have a TV, but I have had the opportunity to watch a few reruns. This is one of my favorite American Idol Rejects.
Mary Roach... Scary!
*if this stupid video doesn't work... go here
Work really gets in the way of writing thought provoking entries.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
My office
I spent 5 minutes today at work flipping a quarter in preparation for a study. Hey, they wanted random... I'm not complaining :)
Yesterday, Kevin brought in a box of silk worms that he is going to raise to feed to some of his lizards. He donated 2 of them to my office, Oscar and Guinevere (names courtesy of Ana) . They're just chillin' in the office chompin' on some mulberry leaves. They're kind of cute, but they eat & crap like crazy.
We had cookies & icecream for May birthdays.
And, this video clip got passed around. It's 6 min. I found it entertaining & impressive.
Yesterday, Kevin brought in a box of silk worms that he is going to raise to feed to some of his lizards. He donated 2 of them to my office, Oscar and Guinevere (names courtesy of Ana) . They're just chillin' in the office chompin' on some mulberry leaves. They're kind of cute, but they eat & crap like crazy.
We had cookies & icecream for May birthdays.
And, this video clip got passed around. It's 6 min. I found it entertaining & impressive.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Nate has Arrived
Nate arrived last night, safe & sound & 1/2 hr early... woohoo!!
And ya know what??...
I knew he was going to be 1/2 hr early... do you know how???...
No, not because his flight took off early, but because I used an online flight tracker!! It's the one cool thing about waiting for Nate to get here... I can see exactly where his plane is over the country. I don't know why I get such a kick out of it, but I think it's really cool :) ~yet again reconfirming that I'm a dork :-P~
There are a ton of sites that do this, but if you want to check it out yourself here is one of them.
Welcome Back to L.A. Nate!!
And ya know what??...
I knew he was going to be 1/2 hr early... do you know how???...
No, not because his flight took off early, but because I used an online flight tracker!! It's the one cool thing about waiting for Nate to get here... I can see exactly where his plane is over the country. I don't know why I get such a kick out of it, but I think it's really cool :) ~yet again reconfirming that I'm a dork :-P~
There are a ton of sites that do this, but if you want to check it out yourself here is one of them.
Welcome Back to L.A. Nate!!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Paid Lunch?
I'm not sure how many people are reading this yet, but I'm really curious...
Do you get a paid lunch? if so... how long?
Do you have the option to take a longer lunch off the clock?
When I worked at Corrugated Supplies, we were given 1/2 hr paid lunch as long as we stayed in the building, but if I left I had to punch out. I was totally cool with that! I was there for 8 hrs & worked for 7 1/2. In the end I was out of the house for about 8 1/2 hrs a day...
The deal w/where I work NOW is: You're supposed to take a 1 hr unpaid lunch, which means I end up being here for 9 hrs a day. First off, I don't like taking long breaks. I would rather keep working, eat at my desk, knock everything out & go home in 8 hrs. I don't have anything to do for an hour but waste time & I hate doing that.
It's getting more frustrating as time goes on, Being gone 10 1/2 hrs (including commute) & getting paid for 8 just pisses me off... how about you?
Do you get a paid lunch? if so... how long?
Do you have the option to take a longer lunch off the clock?
When I worked at Corrugated Supplies, we were given 1/2 hr paid lunch as long as we stayed in the building, but if I left I had to punch out. I was totally cool with that! I was there for 8 hrs & worked for 7 1/2. In the end I was out of the house for about 8 1/2 hrs a day...
The deal w/where I work NOW is: You're supposed to take a 1 hr unpaid lunch, which means I end up being here for 9 hrs a day. First off, I don't like taking long breaks. I would rather keep working, eat at my desk, knock everything out & go home in 8 hrs. I don't have anything to do for an hour but waste time & I hate doing that.
It's getting more frustrating as time goes on, Being gone 10 1/2 hrs (including commute) & getting paid for 8 just pisses me off... how about you?
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Useless information
The word "Set" has 464 definitions in the Oxford English Dictionary*!!!
Top 10
1. Set (464)
2. Run (396)
3. Go (368)
4. Take (343)
5. Stand (334)
6. Get (289)
7. Turn (288)
8. Put (268)
9. Fall (264)
10. Strike (250)
Top 10
1. Set (464)
2. Run (396)
3. Go (368)
4. Take (343)
5. Stand (334)
6. Get (289)
7. Turn (288)
8. Put (268)
9. Fall (264)
10. Strike (250)
*from the Fact or Crap Page-a-Day Calendar
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
ATV Familiarization Trip
Working for a research company really does have its perks sometimes. Since a few of our studies involve ATV's the head honchos decided that a few of us non-experienced riders needed to become familiar with ATV's... SO, Ana & I drove up to Pismo Beach on Tuesday, had dinner w/the group, then went to sleep (in my own hotel room w/2 comfortable beds & a fireplace!) . Then on Wednesday, From 7 am to 3 pm we were getting lessons, riding along the beach & the dunes on ATV's... AND... getting paid! It was SSOO much fun and a great workout!
Here is a slide show of a few pics from the trip last Wednesday...
Here is a slide show of a few pics from the trip last Wednesday...
Friday, May 05, 2006
Me Talk Pretty One Day
Now, as I am recommending it myself, I also want to encourage getting the audiobook instead of reading it the way people did back in the stone age :-P
David Sedaris did the narrations himself, which gives the book a kind of life that my mind wouldn't have been able to do. He has a unique way of looking at the world & he does a great job at putting his observations together. To hear a sample of the audiobook, you can go to