Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Nate has Arrived

Nate arrived last night, safe & sound & 1/2 hr early... woohoo!!

And ya know what??...

I knew he was going to be 1/2 hr early... do you know how???...

No, not because his flight took off early, but because I used an online flight tracker!! It's the one cool thing about waiting for Nate to get here... I can see exactly where his plane is over the country. I don't know why I get such a kick out of it, but I think it's really cool :) ~yet again reconfirming that I'm a dork :-P~

There are a ton of sites that do this, but if you want to check it out yourself here is one of them.

Welcome Back to L.A. Nate!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

4:26 AM  

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