Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Yummy, Ergo, Lucy, Pain

We ordered from again last night... and the food seriously arrived w/in 30 minutes. It's WILD! They gathered 62 items in 20 minutes, I'm in awe! The speed to which they come almost makes it worth the cost. Albertsons (aka. Jewel) also delivers. I looked at their prices & they might be cheaper overall, but they don't have same day delivery AND their site is annoying & difficult to navigate through, which makes shopping take FOREVER! That goes against the whole point in online shopping. I'm supposed to be saving time. I got so frustrated last night after finding only 5 items that I said screw it & ordered from Yummy. The food was here w/in 30 min & I was DONE w/it! (I feel like a 5 year old when I say that damn word) :)

All week I was planning on going to the farmer's market down the street today... but last night w/o thinking I ordered a bunch of fruits & veggies! I guess I could've gone down there to get some flowers (my favorite thing there) but it just didn't seem worth the trouble.

This past week my right wrist has really started to hurt me BAD! Carpal Tunnel symptoms. I've always had a weak wrist as does my mom & aunt. My aunt even had surgery on hers. I'm on the computer most of the time and I think I've found the main problem. I position my keyboard to line up with my left hand. I position the mouse to line up with my right hand. So, if I only typed w/my right hand & always had my hand on the mouse I would do really well. The problem comes when I move my right hand over to type. Then all of a sudden my wrist is bending at a 30 degree angle... NOT GOOD! I think it's about time to invest in a ergonomic keyboard. I really like the one pictured. It's from Best Buy for $60. I don't think that's too bad. Hopefully I'll also be able to convince my boss to get one for me at work. I mean, I'm on the computer more there than anywhere else. He is really strict about hardware though, so I might have to do a little begging :-/

Watching I Love Lucy episodes are like medicine. I laugh SO much... as does Dave and he NEVER laughs at movies. Yeah, a little chuckle or a "ha" here & there but never laughing. I love it!

All & all life has been more down than up... my health is deteriorating, I'm extremely unmotivated, and confused... but I've learned a lot of valuable things this past week, so I'm trying to focus on that. Regardless, I need to get out of this f'in slump! And to do that I think I have to find my 'thing'... whatever that is!?!? But that will probably have to be put off a bit, I've got laundry & cleaning to do today... but I'll probalby just get to the laundry. We're out of unmentionables & doing laundry after work SUCKS!


Blogger Not Margaret said...

I'm thinking of trying to get my company to buy me one of those kneeling chairs. My lower back sometimes really hurts by the end of the day, and I haven't found a seat height that's been able to alleviate it. Kneeling in my regular desk chair doesn't really work because my feet start to fall asleep. And it looks funny. I'm supposed to have a new employee orientation eventually, so I might ask them.

Have you tried a wrist rest for your keyboard? I would get pain in my left wrist, so far since I started using this rest I haven't had any.

7:34 AM  
Blogger miss peak said...

My lower back doesn't hurt all that much, but I totally understand wanting to be in different positions. & a lot of times, I'll kneel on the floor... not to aleviate pain necessarily, but because I like variety or I'm in a hurry & too lazy to pull a chair over. People laugh at me. "Hey Jess, Do you want a chair?!?!" It may look unprofessional, but I'm not super conventional anyways :-P

I have a wrist rest for my keyboard AND my mouse. that helps with the verticle bending & straining. My problem is that my wrist is bent horizontally. Straining the side of my right wrist.

9:00 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

You know what funny. Your "thing" that you mentioned in that post was "ryan" (: and you found it. love you!

5:37 PM  

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