Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Save $$ On Gas

Gas prices are high & yeah... it sucks!
LA has too much traffic. Too many cars. Too much pollution!!

With all of that, now what?
1. Stay Home... not possible, need money
2. Don't have a Car... not possible in LA due to lack of public transportation
3. Move closer to work... a shorter commute for me means a longer commute for Dave.
4. Trade in the Hyundai for a Hybrid... this is actually somewhat reasonable. My accent gets between 26-30 mpg which is good compared to most vehicles out there, but it still costs me ~$5/day to drive to work... and that adds up. The Prius has the best mileage with an average of 55 mpg at a reasonable price. Here are some Hybrids and their approximate values.

Honda Insight: $20,000
Toyota Prius: $21,700
Honda Civic: $22,100
Toyota Camry: $25,900
Honda Accord: $30,000
Lexus GS: $55,600

You can read more about the cars above at
To learn about how a Hybrid car works, check out

5. OR, I could resort to this... less pollution and a great upper body workout...


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4:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:07 PM  

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