Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Friday, April 28, 2006

School or Work?

Dave asked me the question yesterday, "So, do you think you have more free time now or when you were in school?"

I don't know for sure, but what I do know is that I have less control over my time now than I ever did before... and I HATE that!!! Not only do I HATE being told what to do, but I'm also not the kind of person who is able to set something down before it is finished and because of that I end up spending my time not at "work", working...

For example, I finished running a study yesterday & today was time to start analyzing the data (yippee... for real... I love it!). I was crunching numbers all day and when it started getting down to where I was seeing real results, it's after 5:30 & I should've already gone home... not just for the night, but for the whole weekend. Now don't get me wrong, I love the weekends. I love getting 2 1/3 days to get to relax, BUT I am unable to relax when there are projects left undone.

I really would have liked to stay to finish what I was doing, work all night and then take Saturday-Monday off. Shouldn't I be allowed to do that? I mean, as long as there aren't any meetings or subjects to run I think I should be able to get my 40 hrs/week done on MY time.

Hopefully I'll be able to forget about the data soon... I don't need to spend my whole weekend thinking of what I'll be paid to think about on Monday.


Blogger Not Margaret said...

I totally agree. I had that I have to work 8am - 4pm everyday and get approval from my boss to work anything outside of that time frame. I'm an adult, should they trust me to complete my projects without sticking to a rigid schedule?

PS - this is Maggie :)

12:57 PM  
Blogger Not Margaret said...

OK, that was full of typos. It should've said "I hate that I have to work ..." and "I'm an adult, shouldn't they trust me ..."


12:58 PM  
Blogger countzinzendorf said...

hey jessica, sorry for not telling you about my blog...but now you know...and you will soon be written about when I arrive in LA. see you soon.

11:09 PM  

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