Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Another Year & New Plates

On Monday the 3rd, Dave and I hit the 1 year mark for being here in California!! WE made it! (which also reminded me that in May I hit the 1 year mark since I graduated from UIC, I'm using and living off of my degree...woohoo!)

Another 'event' from Monday, I finally got California plates for my car. I was supposed to have done it w/in the first few weeks of being here, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Then my plates decided to expire, so it was either renew in Illinois or Cali. W/Illinois comes the fact that I would also have to get a city sticker, which they don't require in Cali. AND it's illegal for me to live here & not be registered here & if 'they' figured it out I would end up having to get Cali plates & that would just be paying x2. Not to mention whatever tickets would be included.

I ignorantly thought that I would be excited about the new plates. "Woo Hoo. Cali plates! Cali girl!"... but I just ended up feeling like I'm a poser. I know that's probably a ridiculous and an extreme thought & that they're just plates for god's sake, but it just doesn't feel like me. I'm a city girl with a Chicagoans' heart and that won't ever change. I like it here a lot, but I still haven't gotten used to the mentality of the people here. Anyways, There's nothing like home~which I get to visit in 7 days!!

*Side Note* If you live in the US, you should know how to pronounce the names of the states! Illinois does NOT have an 'S' on it damnit!!!!!


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