Through Jessica's Eyes

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Up late, Long Entry, lo siento

I've been starting work earlier than usual lately due to a study that started a few weeks ago that required me to start at 7:30 am. I realized just how awesome getting off at 4:30 is. SO, when I stopped helping out with the study, which is a whole other f'in topic, I decided to compromise & start at 8:00... leave at 5:00. It hasn't been early enough though. Everyday this week I look at the clock at 10:00 am and it feels like it should be 3:00. That is definitely NOT good!! 2 hrs at work shouldn't feel like 7 hrs!

I decided today that I didn't want to go into the weekend exhausted, so I was going to take a short nap when I got home then go to bed at a decent time tonight... WELL, I fell asleep around 6, next thing I know I wake up, it's dark outside & the time... 9:30 pm! My whole f'in night... GONE! Having a shitty day at work then not getting to relax SUCKS! I had plans to work on my website & a friend's site. Now, I didn't get to work on either site AND I'm not going to be able to fall asleep at a decent time... & most likely, I'll be tired tomorrow. Being tired & having to do a lit review doesn't go together! Man I want to get to the next phase... it involves more action & less sucky reading.

This entry is SO poorly written, but I need to rant. I'm so back & forth about my job. Some days/weeks I hate it more than anything in the world & I feel like it is sucking the life out of me. Other days/weeks I love it and feel lucky to be doing something that I like. How could one job be at both extremes? & What is the solution? Is this all jobs? If you love what you do, will you find yourself hating that part of your life? Is it like what they say about marriage? "You love each other more than anything, but sometimes you want to kill each other. Inevitable ups & downs."

I NEVER fill out surveys... but I think something mindless will do me good.
1. In one sentence, explain your last relationship:
-- Fun & secure, but missing that thing.

2. What made you smile today?
-- Reading the pic from the post I put up yesterday

3. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.?
-- sitting in hell... whoops, sitting at my desk. trying to stay awake.

4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
-- writing the first half of this entry... 15 min before that, making a bagel... late night snack... not good.

5. Something that happened to you in 1985?
--I celebrated my 4th birthday

6. Your prom night?
-- disappointing but fun. The movies depict prom as being this "magical" night... it fell far short of that, but most "landmark events" do.

7. Last thing you said aloud?
-- The 'F' Word!

8. Last thing someone else said aloud?
-- I love you

9. Worst thing currently on television:
-- I'm sure more than 1/2 of what's on, but I wouldn't know... I haven't done TV for over a year. Except over Christmas at Jo's when I discovered Robot Chicken!

10. What was in the mail today?
-- Shit, I forgot to check :-P

11. How many different beverages have you drank today?
-- hhmm, water, Arizona Iced Tea, Cherry Coke, no coffee :( That made this morning extra hard.

12. What is your favorite part of the day?
-- not the morning, I hate waking up... not driving to work... not being at work... not driving home from work... I'd have to say when I finally get home & sit down for dinner.

13. Your current To-do list?

14. Where is your best friend right now?
-- Boy: Sleeping in the next room... Girl: Not sure, but she's moving to Arizona in August! Woohoo... closer to me!

15. What color is your toothbrush?
-- Green & Clear... clear isn't really a color though

16. What is out your back door?
-- This Apt doesn't exactly have a back doors.

17. Any plans for Friday night?
-- Relaxing for sure. Working on my site. Probably a trip to the beach: rollerblading? surfing? playing catch w/the football?

18. Least favorite place to shop?
-- Most anywhere. Stores are SO dizzying

19. Last thing you bought?
-- DVD Player for $36, the latest Rihanna CD, Kelly Clarkson-Breakaway CD, and Shakira-Oral Fixation 2. I realized that I don't sing enough anymore & I'm not working on listening to any audiobook... Hopefully singing during my commutes will be fun.

20. Last gift you received?
-- 3 gifts in one: its a magnetic slot machine from Vegas that is also a pencil sharpener. (Thanks Ana) It brings some fun to the work day

21. Funniest thing you heard all day?

22. Favorite mug?
--the one Colleen got me for... my birthday... i think it was for my birthday... whatever the occasion was, she got it for me :)

23. What color is your front door?
-- green?

24. Beautiful is:
-- peaceful

25. Describe your keychains:
-- Do I even have anything other than keys & cards?... just checked... not really just keys, a Jewel card, an Osco card & a Wet Seal card.

26. Where do you keep your change?
--my bag, purse, desk, counter... wherever

27. Say something to the number 1 person in your Top 8:
-- hhmm... so this is a myspace survey. yeah, my boss has that site blocked from work. My top 8... hhmm... to all: I MISS YOU!

28. What kind of winter coat do you have?
-- I got it from cali so it's kind of 1/2 of a coat. Brown, fur on the hood (that made me laugh), no pockets... yeah, definitely not a Chicago coat.

29. What was the weather like on your graduation day?
-- From UIC, overcast. Nice, 50's, still not warm enough for the little dress I wore.

30. Last ice cream flavor?
-- mint chocolate chip.

31. Last rainbow you saw?
--a WHOLE one abut 3 months ago! Living on the coast is SO COOL. Dave & I have seen 2-3 full bright BIG rainbows!

32. Something you are excited about.
-- Going home in July.

33. Who are you thinking about right now?
--Going home in July

34. How many licks are in a tootsie pop?
-- what a goofy question. If you "licked" until you got to the center your tongue would be raw! Yeah, not exactly a pretty picture.

35.Current mood?
-- Slightly tired & anxious.

OK, I think I'll lay down. Man, what a day! If you've gotten this far I consider you a good friend! Thanks for caring.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

going home in july???????????


8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

also, yes, i think every job is like that. every job i have ever had is, anyway. and that scott ever had.

-rachel again

8:06 AM  
Blogger Not Margaret said...

My job is like that. I'll have days where I hate it and days where it's not so bad. There's really never a time when I would say that I love my job though. I do like some of the non-work related benefits - my boss is great, I like my co-workers, this place is pretty flexible/laid back. But I don't like it :(

2:13 PM  

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